Standards Based Grading and Your Gradebook

As teachers, our gradebooks hold most of our power. The fate of our students’ GPAs lies in that sophisticated spreadsheet. And while all of us have the best of intentions, the gradebook divides more teachers more often than it unites them. Consider these questions:  What happens in your gradebook when a student submits a late […]

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Using Pathways to Differentiate Instruction

Differentiation. Individualized instruction. Personalized teaching.  Whether you’re brand new to teaching or you’ve been teaching for 30+ years, we’ve all heard these words. We’re often told that these are the expectations for quality instruction. We’re expected to differentiate. We’re expected to individualize instruction. We’re expected to personalize our teaching. But, have you actually been shown […]

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Creating a Scope and Sequence & Setting SMART Goals

The weekends are a time for me to catch up on all the aspects of my life that take a backseat during the week: the yard work, my hobbies, the dishes, the laundry. As my eyes take in the sunshine of Saturday morning, my brain begins scrolling through the mental to-do list I’ve added to […]

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Standards Based Grading 101

Years ago, I was a competitive cheerleader. If you’ve ever been a cheerleader or been involved in the sport, then you know that there is so much more to cheerleading than the short skirts and sideline chants. Competitive cheer is a different beast than gameday cheering. My teammates and I trained endlessly for the two […]

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