Have you gotten the Teacher Jargon Student Data Tracker yet? Head to teacherjargon.com to find the link to the tracker. Then, listen to this episode to learn how to use the tracker. Be bold. Be brave.
In this episode, Mallory shares how she and her PLC map out their scope and sequence using Bloom's taxonomy. She also discusses how to write analytic and holistic rubrics.
It's time to get REAL about our course standards. Listen to this episode to learn how to create a guaranteed curriculum. Please, excuse my dog losing his mind towards the end of the episode. Sources mentioned: DuFour, et al. Learning by Doing. Solution Tree Press. 2016
Note: I apologize for the sound issues in this episode. I'm still learning the best setting for my mic. In this episode, Mallory provides an overview of standards based grading as well as addresses some of the most frequently asked questions from teachers who are curious about SBG.
In this episode, Mallory (with special appearances from her dogs) discusses how she has maintained routines in her classroom and outlines how you can incorporate using proximity in your classroom. Sources: Copeland, Willis D. “Classroom Management and Student Teachers’ Cognitive Abilities: A Relationship.” American Educational Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 2, [American Educational Research Association, […]
Are you exhausted from trying to get your students to just follow the rules? In this episode, Mallory shares a strategy for increasing student buy-in and holding them to high expectations. Listen now to learn how Mallory establishes her class norms.
Mallory shares how being intentional and strategic with your classroom set-up can eliminate distractions and interruptions during instruction. Link to study about teacher burnout: https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2018/data-on-display/how-many-teachers-are-leaving.htm